Display Branding and Retargeting is one of the most effective ways to achieve awareness, loyalty and website traffic. This is often overlooked or not even thought of during the traffic building process for your website. Let ranktrust.io display branding experts help your business drive more website visitor conversions.<\/p>\n
Simply put, display advertising is a way to attract an audience to your social media account or to your website. Usually, display advertising is presented in the form of an image, a video, or text which encourages the visitors of the website to click past the landing page; the ultimate goal is for the visitor to make a purchase.<\/p>\n CPC (cost per click) is the underlying principle of most display advertising campaigns. This means that every time a prospective customer clicks on your advertisement you are charged a small amount.<\/p>\n Our Atlanta brand awareness team also works with display advertising that can also be used for retargeting your online advertising campaign. This means that the advert is only shown to a specific audience that has already visited a certain website.<\/p>\n We have found through extensive testing that Display ads brings new traffic to your website and is typically responsible for up to 40% more direct and search results. Why? We put a little secret sauce in the ads that makes it happen because approximately half of all ad viewers won\u2019t click on the ads, however they will go directly to your website or look you up on Google or one of the major search engines.<\/p>\n Various forms of display ads.<\/strong><\/p>\n There are several different forms display advertising can take; one of the oldest forms is \u201cbanner ads\u201d. These types of ads usually appear on the top of the webpage in the shape of a banner (hence the name).<\/p>\n The second type is interstitial ads; these are the special web pages that are presented to users before they can access the page they originally requested.<\/p>\n The third type is rich media ads that include video, audio, and various other elements you can click on.<\/p>\n And last but not least there are video ads that you frequently encounter on YouTube, Facebook, and other platforms. Video ads provide an excellent return on investment because they allow you to connect to your audience on a personal level and influence them better.\u00a0At RankTrust we are experts at all of these types of display ads, and are here help the business owners of Atlanta enhance their marketing strategy.<\/p>\n This new trend of using Digital Display Ads is so powerful that it has taken over search, it\u2019s even taken over the GIGANTIC Television Industry. So, for you and for me, we need to be focused on seeing how digital advertising, when it comes to digital advertising can be effective for our company.<\/p>\n So, YOUR business needs new customers. True? I mean, it is obvious — YES!\u00a0 Here\u2019s the question though, for each one of us to answer\u2026<\/p>\n What\u2019s the number one way to get new business to your site? What\u2019s the number one way to get new customers? What\u2019s the number one way to get a business new customers right now?<\/p>\n Well, the answer is simple. We need to get more people in front of your products and services. The answer is MORE TRAFFIC.<\/p>\n The pros and cons of display advertising.<\/strong><\/p>\n All marketing activities have their pros and cons and display advertising is no exception.<\/p>\n So, let\u2019s have a look at all the advantages first. We always tell our Atlanta customers that the biggest benefit of display advertising is diversity; these types of ads come in many shapes and sizes and you can choose the format which is most appropriate for your business\/product. The second biggest advantage is the reach. If you have a Google Ads account you can access millions of websites. The third advantage is targeting; the extensive reach of the Google Display Network allows you to place your ads on specific websites and target a specific audience. And, last but not least, the data is easy to analyze. You can track the exact number of clicks, audience impressions, and conversions through your Google Ads account. If you want to track the performance of your campaign in more detail you can use Google Analytics.<\/p>\n And now let\u2019s have a look at some of the disadvantages of display advertising. \u201cBanner blindness\u201d means that because audiences are bombarded with dozens of display ads on a daily basis human brain has adjusted and learned to ignore them. The second con is ad blocker which is increasing in popularity year after year. But keep in mind that both of these large obstacles can be circumvented by either remarketing or by presenting the users with an option of either purchasing a subscription or allowing ads.<\/p>\n Display advertising strategy.<\/strong><\/p>\n Just like with any other marketing strategy, your display advertising strategy should start with setting a goal, and only then should you formulate a specific strategy that can help you achieve this goal.<\/p>\n Some examples of the goals you can set are building brand awareness, generating leads, attracting abandoned customers with the help of retargeting, using the buying process to nurture leads, etc. However, observations of various display advertising campaigns showed that they are most effective when the goals are building and maintaining brand awareness, and fostering brand loyalty.\u00a0Atlanta businesses that are looking to enhance their brand awareness, should start with google and retargeting ads!<\/p>\n Getting the display network targeting right.<\/strong><\/p>\n Display network targeting is a crucial part of your advertising campaign. Without proper targeting, you will simply be wasting your money by showing your ads to people who will never purchase your products or services. Fortunately, there are many different targeting options that can help you narrow down your audience. You can utilize keyword to targeting, demographic targeting, or interest targeting. You can also target visitors of specific websites (placement targeting) or target a group of websites connected by a common topic (topic targeting). Also, you can exclude certain websites if you don\u2019t want your ad to appear there (this is called display targeting exclusion).<\/p>\n In the end, you must spend as much time as needed to get your audience targeting as close to perfect as you can, otherwise you will not see significant results from your display advertising efforts, you will simply be wasting your money.<\/p>\n Retargeting is one of the most powerful and inexpensive marketing strategies revealed. A lot of people don\u2019t know this but 96% of website visitors never contact you when they visit your site the first time. Retargeting solves this problem by literally capturing 100% of all website visitors and allows you to market to them after they leave your website that you worked so hard on.<\/p>\n A way to get your website visitors to come back to your site and take the desired action (buy).<\/p>\n With retargeting you only target users that have already experienced your brand and visited your site. We show them ads as they surf around the internet on over 2 million sites and apps.<\/p>\n After placing a retargeting pixel on your website, a cookie is placed on visitor\u2019s browsers. After websites are visited that allow display ads, it checks to see if the cookie is present and then shows your ad(s). At ranktrust.io we follow those visitors for up to 90 days until they\u2019re ready to purchase your products or services. Like everything else in digital marketing it takes a little time but once it starts working it works extremely well.<\/p>\n 1. Prospect visits your website to gather more information. 96% of those visitors never contact you.2. While they visit your site we track and drop a retargeting pixel in their browser as this captures 100% of your website visitors.<\/p>\n 3. When your prospect is browsing other sites, you stay in front of them by showing your ads which in return builds awareness and trust.<\/p>\n 4. The best types of retargeting ads that convert visitors the most to come back to your site are Branding Ads, Reputation Ads, and Offer Ads.<\/p>\n A<\/a> Considering SEO services for your website? If you don’t have SEO or not happy with your current Alpharetta SEO company, contact Ranktrust.io and learn more about our Alpharetta SEO and digital marketing including:<\/p>\n
\nLearn More
\n<\/a><\/p>\nWhat Is Display Advertising?<\/h2>\n
Why Display Advertising?<\/h2>\n
Retargeting & Remarketing \u2013 A Conversion Strategy<\/h2>\n
What is Retargeting?<\/strong><\/h3>\n
\n <\/a><\/p>\nHow Does Retargeting Work?<\/strong><\/h3>\n
\nAd Agency<\/strong> \u2013 A company that provides services such as planning, creating, and buying, and tracking advertisements
\nand ad campaigns on behalf of a client.
\nAd Exchange \u2013 <\/strong>An ecosystem through which advertisers, publishers, and networks meet and do business on a
\nunified platform or system. An ad exchange allows advertisers and publishers to speak the same language in order to exchange data, set prices, and ultimately serve an ad.
\nAd Network<\/strong> \u2013 A company that serves as a broker between a group of publishers and a group of advertisers.
\nNetworks traditionally aggregate publishers and advertisers and handle remnant inventory, but can have a wide variety of business models and clients.
\nAd Quality<\/strong> \u2013 A term that refers to the settings that allow sellers to determine which creatives will be allowed to serve on their inventory.
\nAd Server<\/strong> \u2013 The computer or group of computers responsible for the actual serving of creatives to websites, or for
\nmaking decisions about what ads will serve. An ad server may also track clicks on ads and other data. Major publishers, networks and advertisers sometimes have their own ad servers.
\nAd Verification<\/strong> \u2013 A service that confirms if an ad ran only where it was intended by the Advertiser
\nAdvertiser<\/strong> \u2013 An entity that shows its creatives on publisher web pages in order to enhance brand awareness, induce the user to make a purchase, etc.
\nAgency Trading Desk<\/strong> \u2013 A department or arm of an Agency that oversees programmatic buying.
\nAnonimoys Information<\/strong> \u2013 Facts that don\u2019t identify a person specifically, such as age group and gender. Often
\nreferred as Non-PII (Non-Personally Identifiable Information)
\nAPI<\/strong> \u2013 Application Programming Interface. A way to interact with a piece of software. AppNexus uses APIs to interact
\nwith the AppNexus Console and to allow bidders and the Impression Bus to communicate with each other.
\nAttribute<\/strong> \u2013 A single piece of information known about a user which may be used to match ad content to users. Attributes consist of demographic information (age, gender, geographical location), online behavior, or purchase intents.
\nAttribution<\/strong> \u2013 Attribution refers to how we determine which advertisement was responsible for triggering a conversion
\nor acquisition. The most common attribution model is last view\/last click.
\nAuction Service<\/strong> \u2013 Service through which Buyers buy Inventory through an auction or real-time buying process (RTB).
\nAudience Byuing<\/strong> \u2013 Acquiring inventory based on audience targeting.
\nAudience Tag<\/strong> \u2013 JavaScript or other code on or within a web page or player that requests a graphic server that allows that server to set, read and modify a Cookie.
\nBackfill<\/strong> \u2013 Inventory that is not pre-sold; i.e. remnant inventory. Can also refer to one ad network filling unsold inventory for another ad network.
\nBanner AD<\/strong> \u2013 A basic image or flash display ad, rather than a rich media unit.
\nBehavioral Data<\/strong> \u2013 Information collected from a users\u2019 online actions, for example, things they\u2019ve searched for in the
\npast and types of website they frequent. Advertisers sometimes use this type
\ndata in their campaigns to match relevant users with their offers.
\nBid Request<\/strong> \u2013 Inventory offered by Sellers to Buyer using an Auction Service.
\nBid response<\/strong> \u2013 The information, specifications and rules submitted to Seller by Buyer in response to a Bid Request.
\nBlacklist<\/strong> \u2013 A list of web sites that an Advertiser will not permit their ads to be placed on. These sites often contain
\ncontent that is not aligned with the brand image of the Advertiser.
\nBrand Safety<\/strong> \u2013 Contextual technology aimed at ensuring advertisement does not display on webpages where its
\nappearance might negatively impact the Advertiser\u2019s brand.
\nBuyer<\/strong> \u2013 An agency representing advertisers that buys or attempts to purchase Inventory.
\nCampaign<\/strong> \u2013 A campaign dictates a buying strategy for purchasing inventory. Most campaigns also include criteria such as a specific start and end date, daily or overall budgets, frequency restrictions, and targeting based on user or inventory data.
\nCDN<\/strong> \u2013 Content Delivery Network. A CDN delivers static content, such as creative image or flash. Usually a CDN provider has servers across the globe configured to deliver content as quickly as possible, which is why it is typical for an ad server to use one.
\nClick Log<\/strong> \u2013 Server-side log of predefined information gathered when a user clicks on an ad that has passed
\nthrough the Impression.
\nClick-Through Rate (CTR)<\/strong> \u2013 The number of clicks divided by total impressions served for a particular creative or
\nContextual Data<\/strong> \u2013 Information on the contents of the webpage that the user is viewing upon ad call. Usually used for
\nad targeting; for example, if the user is viewing a newspaper article about travel, airline may wish to display on that page.
\nConversion<\/strong> \u2013 When a user signs up, makes a purchase, or performs some other desired action in response to an ad.
\nAlso called an acquisition or action, especially to distinguish it from clicks in an commas.
\nConversion Funnel<\/strong> \u2013 This describes the path a consumer takes from seeing an ad or otherwise hearing about a
\nbrand or concept (the broad end of the funnel) to possibly navigating an e-commerce web site and finally taking a desired action, such as making a purchase (the narrow end of the funnel). In a simplistic example, many users see an ad, fewer click, fewer visit a site, fewer purchase. Various stages of the funnel may be used as a proxy for measuring the effectiveness of advertising, and funnel events do not need to be linear.
\nConversion Pixel<\/strong> \u2013 A pixel that fires when a user converts, e.g. clicks on an ad, registers, makes a purchase, etc.
\nAdvertisers place conversion pixels on a landing page, registration page, checkout page, etc.
\nCookie<\/strong> \u2013 A parcel of text sent by a server to the cookie file in a browser and then sent back unchanged by the client
\neach time it accesses that server. HTTP cookies are used for authenticating session tracking, and storing information about specific users, such as site preferences or buying habits. Advertisers often use cookies to track the number and frequency of advertisements that have been shown. See also First-party Cookies and Third-party cookies.
\nCookie-Sync Mechanism<\/strong> \u2013 The matching process of the SSP cookie ID to the DSP cookie ID.
\nCost Plus<\/strong> \u2013 A payment model in which advertisers agree to pay the cost of media plus an additional CPM or % profit
\nmargin on top.
\nCPA<\/strong> \u2013 Cost per action\/acquisition. A payment model in which advertisers pay for every action, such as a sale or
\nregistration, completed as a result of a visitor clicking on their advertisement. Note that an \u201cacquisition\u201d is the same as a \u201cconversion.\u201d
\nCPC<\/strong> \u2013 Cost per click. A payment model in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their advertisement.
\nCPL<\/strong> \u2013 Cost per lead. A payment model in which advertisers pay for every lead or customer inquiry that resulted from a visitor who clicked on their advertisement. Also known as cost per inquiry.
\nCPM<\/strong> \u2013 Cost per thousand (\u201cmille\u201d). A pricing model in which advertisers pay for every 1000 impressions of their
\nadvertisement served. This is the standard basic pricing model for online advertising. See also CPC and CPA.
\nCreative<\/strong> \u2013 The actual graphical advertisement or banner itself. Common creative formats include GIF, JPEG, JavaScript, HTML, and Flash.
\nCreative Tag<\/strong> \u2013 Similar to an ad tag, this is a snippet of code that gives the location of the creative, which is usually a content delivery network (CDN) or an ad server.
\nCSV<\/strong> \u2013 Comma separated values. A data file used structured in a table form with fields separated by served by a template creative.
\nCTR<\/strong> \u2013 The number of clicks divided by total impressions served for a particular creative or campaign.
\nData Management Platform (DMP)<\/strong> \u2013 A system that allows the collection of audience intelligence to Buyers, thereby allowing better ad targeting in subsequent campaigns.
\nData Providers<\/strong> \u2013 Businesses that provide data about users so that advertisers can better target users Decisioning \u2013 The process by which an ad server, ad platform, or exchange chooses who to serve an ad to. This can be based on auction, prioritizing certain advertisers based on relationships and prior agreements, or some other method.
\nDemand<\/strong> \u2013 Advertising demand; entities that wish to buy ad space and display creatives.
\nDemand Side Platofrm (DSP)<\/strong> \u2013 A technology platform that provides centralized and aggregated media buying from
\nmultiple sources including ad exchanges, ad networks and sell side platforms
\noften leveraging real time bidding capabilities of these sources. Traffic Fuel is a demand side platform.
\nDirect Media Buy<\/strong> \u2013 Pre-brokered agreements between an advertiser and publisher to deliver a certain amount of
\nspecific inventory for a preset cost.
\nDirect Response<\/strong> \u2013 Term applied to marketing or advertising that is designed to solicit a direct response which is
\nspecific and quantifiable. In online display advertising, this can be clicking on ad, making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, etc.
\nDisplay Advertising<\/strong> \u2013 Online advertising is often divided into \u201cdisplay\u201d and \u201csearch.\u201d Display ads are images and search is text based. Display ads, sometimes referred to as banners, come in standardized ad sizes, and can include text, logos, pictures, or more recently, rich media.
\nDMA<\/strong> \u2013 Designated Market Area. (Sometimes called demographic metropolitan area.) A geographic area originally
\ndefined as a group of counties that made up a cohesive television market. May also stand for the Direct Marketing Association; see DMA OBA Compliance.
\nDR<\/strong> \u2013 Direct Response: Term applied to marketing or advertising that is designed to solicit a direct response which is
\nspecific and quantifiable. In online display advertising, this can be clicking on ad, making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, etc.
\nDSP<\/strong> \u2013 Demand Side Platform (DSP): A company that allows advertising clients to buy digital media on several
\ndifferent selling systems or exchanges through one interface.
\nDynamic Ad Insertion<\/strong> \u2013 The process by which an ad is inserted into a page or player in response to a user\u2019s request.
\nDynamic Ad Placement<\/strong> \u2013 allows alteration of specific ads placed on a page based on any data available about the user. It allows for multiple ads to be rotated through one or more spaces, on auction without participating.
\nDynamic Creative<\/strong> \u2013 Many advertisers wish to show different ads to different customers; for example, an advertiser
\nmight wish to show a woman\u2019s polo to a woman and a man\u2019s polo to a man. Dynamic creatives can refer to having a few different creatives and choosing the most appropriate one for the user through some automated means such as audience segmentation or based on frequency and recency.
\nDynamic Pricing<\/strong> \u2013 The purchase price for an ad impression that is determined via a real-time auction rather than a
\npredetermined fixed rate.
\nEAP<\/strong> \u2013 Estimated Average Price: EAP is a bid price estimated to win about half of the impressions from AppNexus
\nplatform sellers based on historical bids and their success or failure.
\nECP<\/strong> \u2013 Estimated Clear Price: ECP is a bid price that is likely to win most impressions from the Traffic Fuel platform
\nsellers based on historical bids and their success or failure.
\neCPA<\/strong> \u2013 Effective Cost Per Acquisition. This is calculated by dividing your cost (or revenue) by the number of conversion
\neCPC<\/strong> \u2013 Effective Cost Per Click. A translation from CPMs, CPCs, CPAs, and other pricing models they can be com-pared.
\neCPM<\/strong> \u2013 Effective Cost Per Thousand. A translation from CPMs, CPCs, CPAs, and any other pricing models so they can
\nbe compared to each other.
\nEMP<\/strong> \u2013 Estimated Minimum Price is now termed Estimated Clear Price.
\nEngagement Metrics<\/strong> \u2013 Most digital media buyers are interested in measuring the effectiveness of their advertising. This
\nis most easily done by direct marketers who use CPAs, but there are a variety of other ways to measure the impact of ads via \u201ccustomer engagement.\u201d Some possible engagement metrics are whether a user has watched an entire video ad, if a user hovers over a creative with a mouse, and the popular (but possibly low-value) click. The term engagement metrics may also be applied to things other than advertising, such as how long a visitor spends on a web site.
\nEstimated Average Price<\/strong> \u2013 EAP is a bid price estimated to win about half of the impressions from AppNexus platform
\nsellers based on historical bids and their success or failure.
\nEstimated Clear Price<\/strong> \u2013 ECP is a bid price that is likely to win most impressions from the Traffic Fuel platform sellers
\nbased on historical bids and their success or failure.
\nExclusive Inventory<\/strong> \u2013 If inventory is associated with a particular bidder, that bidder can set an exclusive parameter so
\nthat no other bidder will see the inventory or bid on it. Useful for sitting in user.
\nFirst Look<\/strong> \u2013 Prioritized access to select Advertisers. Instead of the winning impression going to the highest bid, it affords
\nfirst right of refusal for an impression within an exchange based on a pre-negotiated floor or fixed price. If the buyer bids, they are guaranteed to win the impression. This privilege is typically granted in return for a commitment.
\nFirst Touch<\/strong> \u2013 An attribution model in which credit is given to the first impression a user saw.
\nFirst-party Cookies<\/strong> \u2013 Cookies that use the domain of the website a user is currently on. For example if you visit
\nwww.mysite.com and the domain of the cookie is www.mysite.com, then this is a first party cookie. First-party cookies are usually used for login, user experience, and remarketing purposes. See also Third-party Cookies.
\nFloor<\/strong> \u2013 The lowest price at which a Seller is agreeing to sell an Ad Inventory to a Buyer.
\nFrequency<\/strong> \u2013 How often an ad is shown in a certain period, such as 24 hours. Advertisers often want to limit frequency to
\navoid overexposure.
\nFrequency Capping<\/strong> \u2013 The ability to set a limit on the number of times an Advertiser exposes a user to their advertising
\nwithin a fixed time period.
\nGoogle tag Manager<\/strong> \u2013 See GTM
\nGTM \u2013 Google Tag Manager<\/strong> \u2013 a service provide by Google to allow you to aggregate code on a website that is used to track data or collect information. Examples that would be placed into the Google Tag Manager are Google Analytics Code, retargeting pixel code, and other data collection snippets of JavaScript or code that would be placed on a page. GTM allows you to place a single block of code on an entire website and then never touch it again, because all the changes happen in the GTM management console (or in Traffic Fuel). This is also used to prevent your competition from seeing of code of an entire website and then never touch it again, because all the changes happen in the seeing what you use to collect data or who you use to do your retargeting.
\nImpression<\/strong> \u2013 A creative served to a single user at a single point in time.
\nIndependent Trading Desk<\/strong> \u2013 A third-party company that licenses and supports DSP technology to act as a trading desk for Advertisers\/Agencies.
\nInventory<\/strong> \u2013 The opportunity to display digital advertising content in a particular medium, including without limitation, web, mobile, in-stream audio and video, application and\/or widget-based advertising inventory.
\nLanding Page<\/strong> \u2013 The page to which a user is directed after clicking on an ad. If a user clicks on a T-Shirt of the Month
\nad, they may be directed to tshirtofthemonth.com, or to
\ntshirtofthemonth.com\/signupnow or some other landing page chosen by the advertiser. This can be slightly different than a CLick URL.
\nLast Click<\/strong> \u2013 A type of attribution model that pays out on the last impression that was clicked on by the user.
\nLast View<\/strong> \u2013 A type of attribution model that pays out on the last impression that was viewed by the \u2013 Profit per 1000 (\u201cmille\u201d) impressions.
\nLift<\/strong> \u2013 The percent increase in performance (measured in ROI, CPC, CPA, etc.) that can be attributed to advertising (or some other marketing endeavor).
\nLong Tail Publishers<\/strong> \u2013 Small, sub-scale ad Publishers such as blogs to niche commercial sites.
\nLongtail<\/strong> \u2013 Ad inventory with relatively low number of users (e.g. most blogs) or less desirable users (very young,
\nminimal disposable income, etc.). The longtail can be difficult to monetize.
\nMarketer<\/strong> \u2013 Generally a large advertiser that manages at least some of its own digital advertising. Also called a direct
\nMedia Plan<\/strong> \u2013 A holistic view of all your real-time media buys and direct media buys.
\nNetwork<\/strong> \u2013 Either refers generally to an Ad Network, or specifically to a member on the AppNexus platform that buys
\nand sells on behalf of advertisers and publishers.
\nOpen Ad Exchange<\/strong> \u2013 A sales channel for Sellers that also provides aggregated inventory to Buyers. It provides
\ntechnology that facilitates automated auction based pricing and buying in real-time.
\nOptimization<\/strong> \u2013 Optimization is the process collecting data to determine the price you should bid for piece of inventory based on how successful your campaign has been on that inventory in the past.
\nPixel<\/strong> \u2013 A pixel, also called a web bug, is a way to track user data. It is a snippet of code that calls for 1X1 transparent
\npixel to be delivered to a webpage by a third-party server. When the pixel loads, the third-party server can record information such as the IP address of the user\u2019s computer, URL of the page, and time the page was viewed. See also Conversion Pixel and Segment Pixel.
\nPixels(Tags, Beacons)<\/strong> \u2013 1\u00d71 pixel tags on websites that can track web users\u2019 location and activities, such as a registration or conversion.
\nPop Up Ad<\/strong> \u2013 An ad that displays in a secondary browser window in front of (Popup) or behind (Popunder) the initial
\nbrowser window.
\nPopunder<\/strong> \u2013 An ad that displays in a secondary browser window directly behind the initial browser window.
\nPopup<\/strong> \u2013 An ad that displays in a secondary browser window directly in front of the initial browser window. See also Popunder.
\nPrivate Ad Exchange \/ Marketplace<\/strong> \u2013 A virtual marketplace operated by sellers to represent their high value\/premium
\ninventory, providing programmatic access to select buyers (via a DSP) who agree to transact based on pre-negotiated terms. Private exchanges offer access to inventory that is not otherwise available within the open market.
\nProgrammatic Buying<\/strong> \u2013 A method that enables Buyers to show a highly targeted piece of Advertiser Content to a
\nconsumer based on their online behavior through RTB.
\nPublisher (Seller)<\/strong> \u2013 A digital service from a traditional broadcaster or a digital music service.
\nRate Card<\/strong> \u2013 The list of advertising prices and products and packages offered by a Seller.
\nRe-targeting<\/strong> \u2013 Re-messaging various messages to a collective pool of participants based on the pools the buyer\/client
\nReach<\/strong> \u2013 The number of unique user IDs that can be reached by online advertising. You might broaden your reach by
\ntargeting new inventory, or evaluate the reach inherent in some set of user data such as \u201cfemale clothes shoppers.\u201d
\nReal-Time Bidding<\/strong> \u2013 Bidding on inventory in real time. A real-time bid is often dynamically generated based on past
\nperformance of creatives, inventory, user groups, and other parameters. Note that real-time bidding may differ from real-time buying, which can mean allocating inventory in real-time through prioritization rather than a monetary bid. Real-time bidding also implies multiple bidding systems or exchanges making calls to each other in real time.
\nReal-Time Inventory<\/strong> \u2013 Inventory auctioned off in real time, as a webpage is loading. See also Real-Time Bidding.
\nRecency Capping<\/strong> \u2013 A way to space out the showing of an ad over time. For example \u201cdon\u2019t show an ad to a user more than once every 20 minutes.\u201d
\nRemnant Inventory<\/strong> \u2013 Inventory that a Publisher is unable to sell directly which is turned over to a third-party.
\nRetargeting<\/strong> \u2013 Targeting users who have performed an action in the past, who may therefore be more likely to perform
\nthe same or a similar task in the future. For example, an advertiser might wish to
\nput a segment pixel on their website and then target users who have visited their website in the past because they are more likely to make a purchase.
\nRich Media<\/strong> \u2013 Rich media refers generally to media that has non-standard characteristics such as: Larger than ~40k,
\nout-of-banner (OOB) behavior, features like \u201cpost to Facebook,\u201d plays video within a banner, or in-creative metrics collection.
\nROI<\/strong> \u2013 Return on Investment.
\nRotating Creative<\/strong> \u2013 Sometimes a single ad tag is set to send one of several different creatives. The Traffic Fuel
\nplatform allows creatives that rotate between different images, but not that rotate \u2013 A target customer for advertisers; i.e. the person browsing the web who will see an ad.
\nRPM<\/strong> \u2013 Revenue per 1000 (\u201cmille\u201d) impressions.
\nRTB<\/strong> \u2013 See Real Time Bidding
\nSegment<\/strong> \u2013 Members of a target audience identified based on the webpages they visit, the actions they take such as
\nmaking a purchase, or data such as gender or location.
\nSegment Pixel<\/strong> \u2013 A pixel that marks a user as belonging to a certain Segment. For example, an advertiser might place
\na segment pixel on the homepage and mark all visitor to the homepage as
\n\u201chomepage visitors.\u201d
\nSell Side Platform (SSP)<\/strong> \u2013 A technology platform that provides outsourced media selling services for Sellers. It
\naggregates ad impression inventory purchased through DSPs or Ad Exchanges.
\nSSP<\/strong> \u2013 See Supply Side Platform.
\nSupply Side Platform<\/strong> \u2013 Analogous to a Demand Side Platform, an SSP enables publishers to access demand from a
\nvariety of networks, exchanges, and platforms via one interface.
\nTag<\/strong> \u2013 A snippet of HTML, generally either JavaScript or an IFRAME, that tells the browser to request some content
\nfrom an ad server. \u201cTag\u201d is often used to mean an ad tag but can also be a creative tag
\nor some other kind of tag. A tag is provided by an ad server or exchange and placed in the webpage by a publisher.
\nTag Container<\/strong> \u2013 Many advertisers and their media buyers use a number of tags for tracking impressions, clicks, conversions, and other data. Some use tag containers to manage these disparate pixel tags and make it easier to change them via a single source. When a page loads, the tag container code displays the code for all tags stored within the container. Google Tag Manager is an example of a tag container.
\nThird-Party Cookies<\/strong> \u2013 Cookies with a different domain than the website a user is currently on. For example, if you visit www.mysite.com, an AppNexus cookie with the domain ib.appnexus.com would be a third-party cookie. See also First-party Cookies.
\nThird-Party Data<\/strong> \u2013 Any data obtained or licensed by the Buyer from a third-party provider.
\nUGC<\/strong> \u2013 User Generated Content: Content on a website that was posted by users, not the publisher. For example, Myspace or Facebook profiles. Different publishers have varying levels of control over user generated content.
\nUser Agent<\/strong> \u2013 This usually refers to a browser application. For example, Mozilla 5.0 is a specific user agent.
\nUser Data<\/strong> \u2013 Information about users that makes them more valuable to advertisers. User data can include age, gender,
\nlocation, intent to purchase, demographics, psychographics, wealth, past purchases, and more. Please note that user data is generally associated with a UUID found in a cookie rather than any personally identifiable information. User data is distinct from contextual data. Often used interchangeably with segment data and audience data.
\nUser Generated Content<\/strong> \u2013 Content on a website that was posted by users, not the publisher. For example, Myspace or
\nFacebook profiles. Different publishers have varying levels of control over user generated content.
\nWhitelist<\/strong> \u2013 A list of web sites that an Advertiser will permit their ads to be placed on. Websites not on this list will not be
\nused to display ads for the Advertiser.
\nYield Optimization<\/strong> \u2013 Technique employed by Publishers to determine the value of their ad flow of inventory.<\/p>\nFREE QUOTE & SEO REVIEW<\/h2>\n